Acadieman is a superhero created by Acadian designer Daniel “Dano” Leblanc, originally from Moncton, New Brunswick. Acadieman, the first Acadian …
Basque, Raynald
Raynald Basque is an author, actor, painter and singer-songwriter. He is also a filmmaker, director and artistic director for numerous …
Daigle, Michelle
Michelle Daigle, actress and musician from Edmunston, is part of the group Frantically Atlantique which presents their shows in English …
Duguay, Calixte
Calixte Duguay is a multidisciplinary artist in Sainte-Marie–Saint-Raphaël, on the island of Lamèque. Calixte Duguay est un artiste multidisciplinaire Sainte-Marie–Saint-Raphaël, …
Essiambre, Christian
Christian Essiambre is an actor-comedian, host, announcer, circus artist, comedian, mime, musician and narrator from McKendrick (Val d’Amours) in New …
Gallant, Patsy
Patsy (Adrienne) Gallant is a popular singer and actress of Acadian origin. She recorded her first record in 1967. …
Gauvin, Robert
Robert Gauvin, politician and actor, was Deputy Premier of New Brunswick, Minister of Tourism, Heritage and Culture, and Minister responsible …
Léger, Viola
Viola Léger is a Massachusetts-born Canadian actress and senator. Known as the interpreter of La Sagouine, she is an Officer …
Maillet, Robert
Robert Maillet, professional Acadian actor and wrestler, was originally from Sainte-Marie-de-Kent in 1969. His ring name with the World Wrestling …
Robichaud, Gabriel
Gabriel Robichaud is an Acadian actor, poet, writer and playwright born in Moncton in 1990. Gabriel Robichaud est un acteur, …