Laurie LeBlanc, originally from Shemoque, is a country songwriter from the Bouctouche region of New Brunswick. He has several albums …
Bouctouche, nicknamed Big Little Haven, is a town in Kent County in southeastern New Brunswick. There is the long Dune …
Daigle Bourgeois, Denise
Denise Daigle Bourgeois is a traditional violinist from Pointe-Sapin.She was part of several groups including: Zaricho, Réveil, Chaffrail, and Bourrée …
Maillet, Antonine
Antonine Maillet, Acadian novelist and playwright, was born in Bouctouche in 1929. Her best-known works are La Sagouine and Pélagie-la-Charrette. …
Savoie, Raymond
Raymond Savoie is an Acadian singer-songwriter who has influenced many other musicians. He has been performing for over 45 years. …