Jacques Maillet, ancestor of the Maillets of Acadia, married Madeleine Hébert in 1720. Jacques Maillet, ancêtre des Maillet de l’Acadie, …
Maillet, Antonine
Antonine Maillet, Acadian novelist and playwright, was born in Bouctouche in 1929. Her best-known works are La Sagouine and Pélagie-la-Charrette. …
Maillet, Robert
Robert Maillet, professional Acadian actor and wrestler, was originally from Sainte-Marie-de-Kent in 1969. His ring name with the World Wrestling …
Tradition, a group from the Saint John (NB) region, is made up of Daniel Ouellette, Jean-Marc Cormier, Jeannot Hachey, Gilles …